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Which future narratives should new economic approaches be built on to truly serve all life on Earth?

The first 36×36 publication launches today, summarising the thinking to date of the 36×36 network on how to approach Narratives. “Which future narratives should new economic approaches be built on to truly serve all life on earth” is the first of six Thematic Exchange publications, all of which will be made available online. The paper […]


Petra Künkel | Un cambio de perspectiva | Congreso Futuro 2021

  • Grado académico – Profesión: Máster en psicología industrial y ciencias políticas de la Universidad de Hamburg. Doctora en Transformaciones a la Sostenibilidad de la Universidad de Twente. • Lugar actual de trabajo: Fundadora y Directora Ejecutiva del Instituto de Liderazgo Colectivo. Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo del Club de Roma. • Líneas de investigación: […]

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A Crisis of Values

Previously published by Capitals Coalition hereBy Natalie Nicholles, Senior Director at the Capitals Coalition. The pandemic is hard to sum up. It is full of tragedy and heartbreak, of resilience and courage, and of humanity and solidarity. Things that were deemed impossible have become reality – social distancing is the new norm, vaccines are developing at […]


Commencing 36×36!

 The 36×36 project has officially commenced! This exciting initiative brings together femxle leaders from around the world to co-create a revolutionary architecture for the global economy.    The neoliberal economic “story” has proliferated around the globe for decades, legitimising a huge concentration of wealth and power and the destruction of our environment. This story, based […]